Monday, September 26, 2011

#021: Totally hacked him dude

And now to further the plot. Don't worry; technically, we're still watching Sonic vs. Eggman.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

#020: Boy oh boy

You know what's fun? Having everything to do all at once and being unable to do anything about it.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

#019: Facedown

Changed the border color a bit because the Death Egg is just too dark. Also, I note that these are surprisingly easy to make when there are only four panels.

Monday, August 29, 2011

#018: No, there won't be an Act 2

And a remix by YouTube user Amesuki:

And that's why it took so long! Something this large, you just gotta postpone it for a while.

Also, Sonic, walls stop people. Especially 5,000-mph people. Just so ya know.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Guest Strip for Pebble Version: "Never live it down"

2SLO returns soon-ish, but here's a little something to tide you over!
I discovered Pebble Version not too long ago, and I've enjoyed reading it. Since Josiah accepts guest comics, I thought I'd hand one over. Go check them out!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#017: Dat attention span

Very dark, this one.

You'll have to wait a while for the next one. It's gonna be a bigger comic than most.

Monday, August 08, 2011

#016: Mirror of a certain scene

Uploading another one, why not?

Crank the Heat Up is probably my favorite track from Sonic Adventure:

#015: I lied, also Sky Chase circa Adventure

I might supply some supplementary music on occasion.
And because the Genesis style is an awesome style, a remix!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Friday, August 05, 2011

#013: Say whaaaaaaaaat

Nothing to say on this one other than this was, strangely, quick and easy to make.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

#012: Results

Like I'm gonna show the entirety of every battle. That would just waste energy and I can't think of something creative for every portion of a battle. Speaking of wastes of energy, gotta love the "depth" in panel 1.

Also, I completely forgot how to make 2SLO's text bubbles for a while there. They're back to normal now, though. Also, last issue was totally not labeled #010 by accident.

Friday, July 29, 2011

#011: Databank

That computer glow was deceptively challenging to make.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

#010: Conspirasee

I had it done today, so you get a bonus, why not?

Don't forget, Tails lives and breathes robotics. Motor oil is an equivalent of blood. Yeah, you would be sickened too. Although, Tails has seen his share of "gristly" robotic destruction, so yeah.

#009: Eggman's a wee bit screwed

Question: Who did Eggman beat? Eh, we'll find out later.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

#008: Knuckles just got revv'd

A few things to note about this one:

First, the two sprites in the first panel, as well as Knuckles's sprite in the fourth, were rotated with a special program that I started using. It attempts to rotate the sprite without creating any out-of-place pixels by accident. I think it did a pretty good job.

Next, Sonic in the third panel. That alone took about an hour to create, but boy is it pretty. I'll have to remember those effects.

And, of course, about the comic itself: This one isn't overly "comical", but it serves its purpose: Sonic wins in a flawless victory. Also, veterans of Sonic Adventure will recognize that finishing move!

Thursday, July 07, 2011


So much action. SO. MUCH. ACTION.

Needless to say, this comic isn't my primary goal right now, but expect new issues to crawl out every-so-often.

Also, yes, those flowers in the first panel disappeared. Just, uh, pretend Sonic and Knuckles moved to a different spot after the first panel.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

#006: Sonic has a ritual, you know

Would've been up last night, but that fell through, so you get it now.

Also, look at those text bubbles. Look at them. Tell me they are not fancy.

Monday, May 02, 2011

#005: Totally slipped his mind. Go figure.

There's a name for the condition Sonic has... it's called "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" and it shows. Also, that Knuckles facepalm sprite is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

Also, trying a new text bubble method today. I think it's gorgeous.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

About TailsDM

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Welcome to 2SLO, a webcomic that will very - VERY - rarely take itself seriously!